
A Publication by the Indiana Military Org,
a privately owned and funded organization dedicated
to the preservation of Indiana Military History.
Jim West, Editor
February 2004

Continuing a Proud Tradition in Reporting Since 1941
Atterbury Crier-Camp Crier-Cardinal-Wakeman Probe-Caduceus-Twingine Time
Big Times-Splint & Litter- Wardier

Atterbury AAF - Bakalar AFB - Camp Atterbury - Freeman AAF - Freeman Field
28th Division - 30th Division - 31st Division - 83rd Division
92nd Division - 106th Division - Wakeman General Hospital

Less Said ------------ Less Dead

Dialog from The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson: His guest was Lee Marvin.
Johnny said, "Lee, I'll bet a lot of people are unaware that you were a Marine in the initial landing at Iwo Jima ... and that during the course of that action you earned the Navy Cross and were severely wounded."

"Yeah, yeah... I got shot square in the ass and they gave me the Cross for securing a hot spot about halfway up Suribachi......bad thing about getting shot up on a mountain is guys gettin' shot hauling you down.   But, Johnny, at Iwo I served under the  bravest man I ever knew.  We both got the cross the same day, but what he did for his Cross made mine look cheap in comparison.    

The dumb bastard actually stood up on Red beach and directed his troops to move forward and get the hell off the beach.  Bullets flying by and mortar rounds landing everywhere and he stood there as the main target of gun fire so that he could get his men to safety. He did this on more than one occasion because his men's safety was more important than his own life.

That Sergeant and I have been lifelong friends. When they brought me off Suribachi we passed the Sergeant and he lit a smoke and passed it to me, lying on my belly on the litter and said, "Where'd they get you Lee?"

"Well Bob ... if you make it home before me, tell Mom to sell the outhouse!"  

Johnny, I'm not lying .........Sergeant Keeshan was the bravest man I ever knew.....

The Sergeant's name is Bob Keeshan... You and the world know him as Captain Kangaroo."

Submitted by Bob & Betty Veit

And, sadly, Sergeant Keeshan died this past week.

Note :  Several readers have replied that this story is false.  As with anything on the Internet, you must take all with a grain of salt. 

But irregardless, it is a good patriotic story about a good man. 

America is becoming so educated that ignorance will be a novelty.
I will belong to the select few.

Will Rogers

Camp Atterbury, Indiana
February, 1944

"Keep Mum" contest seeks slogans with "Whys" for silence.  Careless talk may cost lives, by Lt G. W. Bescoe, Post Intelligence Officer.  The security of military information is one of our most important weapons.  For the best slogan entered, a prize of $5 in War Stamps will be awarded in addition to an 8 x 10 photograph of the winning contestant.

Some slogans with Honorable Mention are: "This Gold Star once was Blue, Someone Talked - Was it You ?"; "Let our guns roar, But you be quiet"; "Be careful pal, someone is listening"; "We want Old Glory in the air - Loose talk won't keep it there"; The less you say, the less we will pay".  105 slogans were turned in.  And the winning slogan is - "Believe It or Not - The Dumb Talk Most" submitted by Cpl Leroy C. Brown of Medical Section, 1560th Service Unit.

Col Richardson L. Greene, a field artillery officer for the past 27 years assumed command of Headquarters, 8th Detachment, Special Troops, 2nd Army, here last week.

"Save A Bundle A Day - It May Save A Pal's Life !", is the slogan during the present concentrated drive to salvage all waste paper.  The drive is being conducted at the same time as the national civilian waste paper campaign.

Supplying the food, clothes, combat equipment, gasoline to keep vehicles moving, and countless other supplies to the 30th Division is the task assigned to the 30th Quartermaster office.  The company is divided into six groups.  There are three truck platoons, training for their role in moving the supplies to the front; a headquarters platoon, a service platoon and a division quartermaster staff.

Twelve in 1560th Medics receive promotions.

141st Ordnance Hailed New Year with party.  Entertainment was provided by Sgt Irving Weiner, who played the guitar.


On New Year's Day while footballers were 'bowling' across the nation, the Headquarters Section, 1560th Service Unit team was tacking up its runner-up banner from the post grid tourney.  Headquarters Western League king and highest scoring team in camp, lost to the 773rd Tank Destroyers in the finals.  Players posing with their banner are (l-r) Bill Thompson, Coach Edwin Kauffman, John Diuges, Bill Rea, Jerry Steiner and Joe Watt, and kneeling Warren Boswell.

30th's Military Band and 120th Infantry chorus to broadcast Monday.  The 65-piece military band of the 30th Infantry Division plus the songs of the 120th Infantry Regiment chorus will be featured on "Meet the Yanks" radio program broadcast Monday ni9ght from Service Club No. 1 at 2030, over WIBC, Indianapolis "1070".

And the thing about my jokes is, they don't hurt anybody. You can take 'em or leave 'em - you can say they're funny or they're terrible or they're good, or whatever, but you can just pass 'em by. But with Congress, every time they make a joke, it's a law! And every time they make a law, it's a joke!
Will Rogers

Members of the Women's Army Corps stationed at Camp Atterbury, Ind., are filling scores of jobs here, supplementing the troops needed to operate this huge Hoosier post.  Wacs here illustrate General Marshall's statement on the importance of more Wacs in the Army.  The Chief of Staff declared:  "Each woman enrolled in the WAC has postponed the induction of a man since they are counted as a man in computing the ultimate manpower requirements on the Army,"  The need for more Wacs has grown with the coming '44 world-wide offensive, with every additional Wac hastening the day of victory.  Atterbury's Wacs hail from points coast-to-coast, with many claiming the 5th Service Command - Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia - as their home.  In the above series of pictures, Wacs are shown at work performing duties they are best adapted to perform:

1 - Pvt Gertrude Mayhew, Akron, Ohio, is employed as a record clerk in the sales commissary. 

2. Responsible for the supplies of WAC Section 1, 1560th Service Unit, is Supply Sgt Darthola M. Chambers of Bicknell, Ind. 

3.  Working as assistant to the supply sergeant of the motor pool is Pvt Norma Watkin of Cincinnati, Ohio, pictured driving a jeep. 

4.  This Was, Technician Fifth Grade Coletta J. Becker of SDayton, Ohio, is statistical clerk at Post Headquarters. 

5.  Central terminal of all post transportation is the dispatcher's office, and working on charts at the table are Pvt Nellie Veremko, Montery, Mass., and Cpl Lorna Cunningham, Cincinnati, Ohio. Pvt Carol Silverman, of Berlin, N. J., a driver is shown handing her trip ticket Pvt Reba Roberts, of Slatington, Pa., while Pvt Arland Washer, Patterson, N. J., stands by the record board. 

6.  Delivering mail to the Quartermaster Division is the job assigned to Technician Fifth Grade, Martha Gaines of Covington, Ky.

7.  For relaxation, soldiers visit the Service Club libraries and for any help consult an assistant librarian, Pvt Evelyn G. Wenzel, of Franklin, Ohio, 

8.  Wacs have healthy appetites and fellow Wacs, Mess Sgt. Laura Lord of New Orleans, La, (left), Sgt Annie Jones of Omega, Ga, (center), and Pfc Francis Shealy of Atlanta, Ga., (right) prepare meals "fit for a Queen". 

9.  Pfc Virginia M. Compton of Louisa, Ky., is shown operating the machine which stamps out identification or "dog tags" for every soldier in Atterbury. 

10.  Operating the mimeograph machine turning out memoranda and special orders is the duty of Technician Fifth Grade Louise Symons of Elgin, Ill..

11.  The heart of any camp is the message center and here T5 Ester Powell of Cleveland, Ohio distributes communications to the various unit boxes. 

12. Cashier of the sales commissary is Pfc Betty Sheppard of Charlestown, W. Va.,

Diplomats are just as essential to starting a war as soldiers are for finishing it... You take diplomacy out of war, and the thing would fall flat in a week.
Will Rogers

Freeman Field, Seymour, Indiana
February 1944

Expert Advice on how to bowl a perfect (well, almost) score is being given here by Frank Bankovic
(white shirt) the all-time record holder of the American Bowling Congress.  The champ was present at the bowling alley opening last Monday night and gave GI's and officers many fine pointers on the game.  The bowling alleys are open daily from 1 to 11 pm and the price per game is ten cents.
In Name Only - the 405th Army Air Force Band is dead !  Long live the 705th Army Band !  Salutations of this kind were being shouted around the band barracks last week as a sweeping order from Maxwell Field, Ala., redesignated all of the Air Force bands in the Eastern Flying Training Command.  The order took the bandsmen out of the Air Force and transferred them to the Adjutant General's Department, but further that that there was no drastic change.  The new table of organization increases the ratings for the band so that every man will be at least a Pfc.

Changes Made.  In case anyone has been wondering what ails the USO Club in Seymour, here's the story.  A big deal has been going on, and next time the swinging door opens to the returning visitor, he will see a few changes made during he past week.  A new hardwood floor had been laid downstairs and wainscoting set on.  The rear cement floor has been painted and a coat of color has been applied to all the newly extended partitions on the upper floor.  The upstairs floor has been scrubbed and a bakelite seal applied that will withstand many GI scuffings.

Guest Speaker for the next cadet graduating class will be "Bo" McMillin, veteran football coach of Indiana University's teams since 1934.

Freeman Vets - A few weeks ago these men saw a picture in the Training News of a group of pilots who represented 497 missions in different combat zones.  After thinking it over they decided that they had quite a record too - a record of 20,142 hours or 14,111 missions flying here at Freeman Field.  All the men represented in this picture are members of Flight 6 and its third instrument Echelon.  Standing (l-r) are: Lts. Robert M. Loving, Robert E. Holloway, Mervin T. Liedtke, Thomas E. Broughton, Earl E. Hagan, Capt Senate McNeely, commanding, Lts Lloyd O. Peterson, Richard P. Epke, Paul L. Updyke, F. M. Williams, Arthur M. Petersen, John A. Stevens, D. B. Dockstader and William N. Kirk.  Kneeling (l-r): Lts Robert L. Davis, William C. Weldon, Joseph D. Stoeklein, Max G. Moody, James S. Boggs, Warren Olde, Wallace N. Taylor, Kenneth L. Waterbury and Capt P. G. Prater.

SPECIAL FEATURE : "Flight To Twin, Twin Engine School"
By a member of the Public Relations Staff.

Lying almost due west of Freeman Field is another Advanced Flying School called George Field.  Unknown to many of the personnel at both, the two fields are practically identical in design and layout, having been planned by the same engineers. 

By air, George Field is about 40 minutes away, approximately 84 miles.  We thought a "look-see" and comparison might prove interesting, so ---

Our wheels left a Freeman runway at 2:45, by 3:30 we had sat down with a crunch of rubber, and rolled to a stop in front of the Operations Building.  A structure much like ours, it is covered in dark green tarpaper, rather than the tan shingles used at Freeman.  In fact, that is the salient difference between the two fields.  Most of their buildings are green in color.

The Trip Over

The terrain between Seymour and Vincennes is pretty level Indiana countryside, with the exception of the Brownstown hills about ten miles from here, and some other small ridges about halfway.  Incidentally, Ridgeview, our FHA Project, was named after that little stretch of 'bumps' visible from the fiend in fairly clear weather.  Other than that, the land is flat and dotted with peaceful little farmhouses that look like toy models from the air.  Here and there you see dark brown, wintry looking wooded areas and little puffs of smoke that are really sizable forest fires.

The pilot of the plane, Lt Max G. Moody, banded sharply and gave me a last glimpse of Freeman Field over to the right.  Slanted bars of of misty sun poured out from between the cloud banks and penciled the outlines of the star-shaped runways, looking like strips of white paper laid out by some ingenious child.

Pioneer Instructor

We banked back to a westerly heading, and resumed our course.  "Mac" settled back, took a glance at the map, and proceeded to point out landmarks familiar to all pilots and cadets on the way to George Field.

He's been at Freeman since early in 1943; is a graduate of George Field Class 42-K.  That's a long way back, and plenty of flying hours are tucked under his safety belt.  He's tall and lanky, and doesn't waste a movement, with the typical elam of a true Southerner.  Yas Suh ! - Birmin-ham, Ala !  And about as regular a chap as one could hope to meet. A ride with him, is like driving on smooth glass in a brand new Cadillac.

He leaned over and pointed out of the window.  "There's Highway 50, goes all the way to Vincennes.  I'd rather travel this way though," he said as an afterthought, and grinned.

A moment later the White River flashed by, winding and zigzagging away into the distance.  We crossed it many times , in its snake-like course westward.  Slight thermal currents over the Brownstown hills sent us up about 100 feet with a slight bounce.  I said "Oops", and went back to my notes.

Below, the farmhouses increased in number, and quickly the city of Bedford hove into view.  A slight pall of smoke obscured the ground, but you could see the limestone quarries all around the section; once the main industry of the region.  A bright yellow Piper Cub swept about 1,000 feet beneath us, and prepared to land at the tiny Bedford Airport.

Succession of Towns

Cruising speed was held at about 140 mph, at an altitude of approximately 2,000 feet.  To the south, Baden Springs was dimly visible.  It's a famous resort and cure.

Flying out along the edge of the Burns City "Air Reservation" (an area closed to passage because of a large munitions plant) we passed a series of towns in rapid succession.  Shoals, with what looked like a miniature toy railroad streaming along its outskirts; a huge parachute factory on the fringe of Washington, where most of our chutes are made; Montgomery, with its outlying area of surface coal mines, and autos that looked like little bugs thickly parked nearby.  Then finally, the famous Wabash river, subject of many a song-writer's success - "Wabash Blues", and "Moonlight on the Wabash."

Located on the east bank of the river.  It's the home of comedian Red Skelton, and is a beautiful old city, with fine bridges and monuments in commemoration of George Rogers Clark, who was born there.

First Sight of "Twin"

George Field lies on the west side of the Wabash, about four miles out, at Lawrenceville, Illinois.  From the air the airport pattern and the surrounding country look exactly like Freeman Field and Seymour.  If you don't stop to realize it, you might think you had turned around and gone right back home.

We came in for a landing, with the control tower 'buzzing away" in our ears.  Plunk !  We settled in on the concrete.

A staff car was called and we whisked away on a tour of the field, whose commanding officer is Col. Edwin Bobzien.  Most of the buildings conform to the design of our own field, with the exception of the PX, which is where our new Service Club is; the gym which is about where out athletic area is; and the WAC barracks where Mess Hall No. 1 is.  Shit the displace buildings around and you have their layout.

Most paths on the field are concrete, but grass planting seems a little thinner than we have it.  However there are more young trees planted along the roads that promise much for Spring.

The general feeling is the same - Cadets hasten about on their training programs, officers smile and say "good afternoon", and the Indiana mist even ventures over into Illinois.

Sunset- "Back Home"

Clouds began scuttling in from he west, and the darkness was only about an hour away as we took off on the trip back to Freeman.  We climbed up over the overcast that spread in a dusky, bluish haze over the ground, and emerged into a wonderful sunset at 3,500 feet.  What a sight !  IT is unparalleled for sheer stupendous beauty and serenity.  The thick rolling clouds make an ocean right beneath the wings, and the red rays of the sun cast a glow over everything.  The sky is light blue and you're up there alone, guided by the instruments before you.

Miles sped by, and the last light of the sun glinted on the engine cowling, right outside the window, as we came on in for a landing' myriad lights twinkled up from Seymour on the base leg approach.

Back at Freeman and glad to be here !


Follows Father's Footsteps - Howard Rundquist, elder son of the commanding officer at Freeman, took the first step in following the colonel's army flying career last Wednesday as he was sworn into the Air Corps Enlisted Reserve.  Upon reaching his eighteenth birthday, young Rundquist will be eligible to enter active duty with the Air Corps and begin cadet training.  Photo shows him being sworn in by his father - and now superior officer, Col. E. T. Rundquist.

We can't all be heroes, because somebody has to sit on the curb and applaud when they go by.
Will Rogers

Camp Atterbury, Indiana
February 1952

28th Division parades at full war strength

Six Major Generals and a French consul-general together with many other high-ranking officers reviewed the troops of the 28th Infantry Division Saturday afternoon at Camp Atterbury.  Shown on the reviewing stand, are from left to right: Jean Joseph Vials, French consul-general from Chicago; Maj. Gen. Kenneth F. Cramer, commanding officer of the 43rd Infantry Division; Maj. Gen. Edward Martin, retired, former commander of the 28th Division; Maj. Gen. Daniel B. Strickler, commanding officer of the 28th Division; Maj. Gen. Albert C. Smith, deputy commander of the Fifth Army; Maj. Gen. Lawrence C. Jaynees, Department of the Army's special assistant for Civilian component Affairs; and Maj. Gen. Raymond H. Flemming, chief of the National Guard Bureau.  In the second row, directly behind the flag, is Col James A. Murphey, deputy commander of Camp Atterbury.

An aerial view of the massing of the 28th Infantry Division shows the various elements as they nearly fill the airstrip at the south edge of the camp.  From right to left are seen the 112th Infantry Regiment, 109th Infantry Regiment, 110th Infantry Regiment, Division Artillery and two groupings of Special Troops.  The white helmets of the MP Battalion may be seen at the extreme left.  Barracks and Rifle Ring of Camp Atterbury are seen in the top of the photo.



Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Jr., troops the line with Lt Col Joseph A. Caton, commanding officer of the honor guard 2nd Battalion of the 109th Infantry Regiment. As the camera clicked for this photo, General Mark Clark, Chjief of Army Field Forces dropped to the rear where his outline can be seen behind Mr. Pace.


Post Theater Schedule
Theater No. 1 and 2
Friday - "Hunt the Man Down" with Cig Young and Mary Anderson
Saturday - "Storm Warning" with Doris Day and Ginger Rogers
Sunday, Monday - "Born Yesterday" with Broderick Crawford and Judy Holiday.
Tuesday - "The Magnificent Yankees", with Louis Calhern and Ann Harding.
Wednesday - "Gasoline Alley", with Scotty Beckett and Jimmy Lydon.
Thursday - "Tea For Two" with Doris Day and Gorden McRae.

Playing in Theaters No. 3 and 4
"Storm Warning", "Sierra Passage", "Belle Le Grande", "Hunt the Man Down", "Born Yesterday", "Bandit Queen", "Vendetta", The Company She Keeps", and "Operation Pacific."

Two Congressmen inspect housing around Camp Atterbury.  The critical housing shortage in the vicinity of Camp Atterbury has drawn two members of Congress to make personal investigations this week.  Indiana Senator Homer E. Capehart, accompanied by Mayor Robert L. Stevenson of Nearby Columbus conferred with Major General Withers A. Burress, Post Commander and Commanding General of the Army VI Corps, and Colonel James A, Murphey, Deputy Post Commander, Monday on the subject of what could be done to help provide housing for military personnel both at Camp Atterbury and the Atterbury Air Force Base at Columbus.  This conference followed similar talks on Friday with Indiana Representative Earl Wilson.

388th Evac Hospital - by Cpls James F. Schlagheck and James T. Hashbarger - Some of the men in the 388th will pay more income taxes to Uncle Sam this month.  Thirteen men were on the promotion list that came out this week.  Three men, Pfc's Ben Black, Fredrick E. Bexton and Herbert Fredrickson made the jump to corporal.  Pvts George Cronin, Leonard Dradonowski, Stanley Hawkey, Laverne Sauer, John Mehling, Delos B. Memsing, Charles Pryor, Clayton Smith, Norbert Wirtz and Charles Williams were promoted to Private First Class.  Training continues, although running two cycles at once is a little trying of officers and cadre.  The advanced cycle is in its fifth week and the basic cycle is completing its fourth week.  The basics had their first taste of military gunnery last week when they went out to qualify on the carbine range.  As the faint breath of spring becomes stronger and stronger the wedding fever in the 388th rises.  At the moment weddings are planned by the following men:  Fredrick E. Bexton, Richard Cleveland, Raymond Sadowski and Karl Pitsch.  Cpl Fredrick E. Bexton, recently promoted from the grade of Pfc hails from Quincy, Ill.  The wedding will take place however in St. Louis, Mo., during the first week in March. The bride will be Miss G. R. Wood.

You can't say civilization don't advance...
in every war they kill you in a new way.

Will Rogers

The History Crier is published independently by the Indiana Military Org.anization and is in no way connected with the Department of the Army, the Indiana National Guard, or any other military or civilian organization. Unless otherwise noted, all content has been previously published during WW2 and the Korean War.

Editor—James D. West, Veteran, Sgt, Co. B 138th Armor, Co. C 151st Mechanized Infantry, INARNG and MSgt, 71st Special Operations Squadron, USAFRes. 
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See Where Heroes Were Made…
Visit and Support the museums dedicated to preserving the memories
of those men and women who made today’s freedoms possible.

Atterbury-Bakalar Air Museum—located on the site of the former Atterbury AAF and Bakalar AFB, North of Columbus, Indiana.
Camp Atterbury Museum—
located in Camp Atterbury, West of Edinburgh, Indiana. Open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 4 pm.
Freeman AAF Museum—
located on the site of the former Freeman Army Air Field, West of Seymour, Indiana. Just South of State Road 50.   Open Monday thru Friday, 8 to 4 pm. Inquire at the Airport Director’s office for admittance.

Visit all the above historic sites at